


How can I improve the user experience of my law firm website with interactive tools?

Katie Blake
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So, you are probably thinking, “What do you mean by interactive tools?” These are features you can add to your law firm website to help improve conversion rate, capture client data, and make your life easier. Whether you are a team of one or a...

The Importance of Regular Content for Your Law Firm Blog

Maddie Platt
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Having a strong online presence is crucial for any business, and law firms are no exception. One effective way to enhance your online presence is by creating and maintaining a blog on your law firm's website. A law firm blog not only showcases your...

How do I create a careers page on my law firm's website that will attract talent?

Laura Jimenez
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It seems the whole legal sector is struggling to attract high-quality talent, so it is crucial for your law firm to find effective ways to stand out from the crowd, and online marketing is one of these ways. A compelling careers page can play a significant...

How can my law firm use its website to generate new leads?

Katie Blake
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As a law firm, marketing is crucial for attracting new clients and growing your business. Digital marketing for law firms offers many opportunities to reach your target audience and generate new leads. Digital marketing encompasses various strategies and...

Your law firm's website checklist

Dan Hodges
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Having a professional website is no longer an option but a necessity. A well-designed law firm website showcases your expertise, builds trust with potential clients, and sets you apart from your competitors. It is often the first point of contact for...

Does my law firm need an up-to-date website?

Sahra Tulloch
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We may be a little biased considering our 'bread and butter' is law firm websites, but our answer is a resounding “Yes”! There are many reasons that your law firm needs an up-to-date website, which we discuss later in this blog post....

Ten essential elements for building a successful law firm website

Chris Pearce
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A law firm website serves as a digital representation of your firm and plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging potential clients. The benefits of a successful website include increased traffic and engagement, improved user experience, showcasing your...

Nine ways to use your law firm's website as a recruitment tool

Laura Jimenez
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If your law firm is struggling with recruiting at the moment, we can assure you, you aren’t the only one! We’re having conversations with many clients about the difficulties of finding the right talent currently. Whether it’s down to a...

What does my law firm website need on its cookies banner?

Liam Hegenbarth
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It’s come to our attention that The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the UK’s Data Protection Authority (DPA) are going to start closely monitoring websites, with firms who fail to put clear “Reject...

What are four key features my law firm should have on its website?

David Gilroy
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What makes a good law firm website? A good law firm website is one that embodies professionalism, user-friendliness, and is informative. It should have a clear and well-organised design, intuitive navigation, and offer relevant and current content that...

What do you mean your law firm is not running a https certificate secured website?

Andy Osborne
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What is an HTTPS certificate? The “S” in HTTPS stands for secure and means that data being sent between a browser and a web server are encrypted, whereas connections to a standard HTTP website are not. Not the ideal situation if you are a law...

4 Tips for Creating a User-Friendly Law Firm Website

Tracey Stock
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I’m sure we’ve all been to those sites that take so long to load or confuse you at the first hurdle with poor signposting, or simply don’t look great. Usually, it means, you click off the page and end up on a competitor’s website,...

How can my lawyers write a great website profile?

Joe Marcovitch
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A website profile is a great way to introduce your clients to your team, creating a personal connection that can lead to loyalty and retention. We’d recommend including your whole team on your website so clients can really get to know you. The best...

Four ways to reduce your law firm's digital carbon footprint

Angela Whittaker
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As we mentioned in a previous blog post about building a sustainable website , if the internet was a country, it would be the seventh largest polluter . In an increasingly digital world, now is the perfect time to take stock of our digital habits.  ...

What do your clients want most from your law firm and how can your website help?

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Trust is an incredibly powerful resource for any business. Trustworthiness is the basis for strong relationships and is crucial to success in business. Why? Well, businesses are built on relationships. All businesses no matter their size or the industry in...

Can email obfuscation on your law firm's website help prevent spam emails?

Angela Whittaker
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To most of us, spam emails are a time-consuming annoyance, but in some cases, they can become a serious cyber security threat. Whether it’s a phishing scam which tricks you into revealing sensitive information, or a link to download malware, none of us...

What should I avoid when writing content for my law firm website?

Joe Marcovitch
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If you already know a thing or two about writing digital content, you’ll probably be aware of some of the techniques you should be utilising to craft effective copy. We recently discussed what the secret is to writing great SEO copy , as well as the ...

Should a law firm care about the ICO's Age-Appropriate Design code of practice?

David Gilroy
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We have recently been notified by a client who was going through a Lexcel audit that they should review how their website adheres to the Age-appropriate design: a code of practice for online services guidance that was issued by the ICO back in 2020 and...

Designing a sustainable law firm website

Angela Whittaker
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What do you picture when you are asked what the internet is? Perhaps it is an abstract ‘cloud’ of information, or maybe a dark warehouse with rows of computer servers innocently blinking away. But our internet usage is not as abstract and...

My first six months as a Junior Web Developer at Conscious Solutions

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Only a few months ago, I wrote about my move from Solicitor, to Junior Web Developer at Conscious Solutions, wondering what my new role would involve, and how I would get on with such a significant career change. I’ve now been at Conscious for over...

Web typography: A guide to choosing fonts for your website

Joe Dyer
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Typography plays a vital role in the overall look and user experience of your website. With thousands of free and paid-for fonts to choose from, deciding on which one to use can be a little daunting. This guide will give you an overview of the main...

6 Stellar Tips for Editing Your Firm's Website

Grace Mitchell
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You don’t need to be a master of website editing to carry out simple steps that keep your website up to date and running smoothly. If you are in charge of editing your firm’s website, these handy top tips will help you to ensure you are adding...

The Website Feature Checklist to Boost User Engagement

Joe Dyer
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Coming up with the winning formula for a great performing website doesn't happen overnight - it's a process of analysing website data and fine-tuning things along the way. Read on to find out what we suggest... The best indication of user...

It's 404 Day...why should your firm care?

Maddie Platt
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Yes, there is a ‘national day’ for everything. Is it getting a bit out of hand? Possibly. Will we still use these days as an opportunity to educate and inform? Definitely. So, what is 404 day and why should it matter to you? Read on to find...

8 signs your law firm might need a new website

Tracey Stock
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Head of Design, Tracey Stock highlights 8 reasons why it might be time for a website refresh for your law firm. I’m sure when you first launched your website, it was a moment to be proud of. You had arrived in the Digital Age - hurray! Tick that...

My Move from Solicitor to Junior Web Developer at Conscious Solutions

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At the start of last year, I was a solicitor working in construction and engineering law, a job I had been doing for nearly seven years. I am now a few weeks into a new role and a whole new industry - a Junior Web Developer at Conscious Solutions. This was a...

How Should Your Website be Shaped by Your Brand?

Tracey Stock
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Your brand is the most important thing and it encompasses who you are as a firm. It tells your story and connects your clients to your people and the services you offer. To be effective, it should be authentic and truly reflective of who you are. Ask...

What's the deal with reCAPTCHA v3?

Benjamin Kremer-Yeatman
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reCAPTCHA v3 is the latest version of Google's spam protection service. This version runs in the background of over a million websites, helping to protect them from abusive behaviour by determining whether site interactions are being made by humans or...

Why you should add all your staff to your law firm's website

David Gilroy
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I was in a meeting (a physical one) with two law firm clients this week and one was showing the other the new website we have just designed for them. The topic came up of which staff to feature on a law firm’s website. I am pleased to say that the...

Six things we need to know before designing your law firm's website

Tracey Stock
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Our Head of Design, Tracey Stock outlines the key things that ensure your new website will not only look great but perform well too There are many reasons why you may have decided to launch a new website project. It’s an exciting time! Maybe...

Need to clear your cache?

Benjamin Kremer-Yeatman
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.browser-icons { max-width: 500px; margin: auto; } @media only screen and (min-width: 125em) { .browser-icons { max-width: none; } } .browser-icons ul { display: inline-block; list-style: none !important; margin: 1rem 0 0 0 !important; ...

Three types of blog post you should have on your website (and why they all matter)

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Why blog? What, as a law firm, could you get out of regularly posting blog content to your website? Well, the obvious reason is SEO. Search engines love blog posts – fresh, relevant and interesting content that is often written by experts in...

Communicating During a Crisis - The Importance of Social Media During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Laura Morris
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I suspect by this point in the year, you’re all settled into (the phrase I despise) ‘the new normal’. Yet, that’s what it really has become. As the vast majority of us at Conscious continue to work from home, it seems clear that this...

Are you making these 5 common mistakes with your law firm's website content?

Joe Marcovitch
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Everyone can write, right? And you know all about the law because you work at a law firm. So, it should be pretty straightforward to sit down and write some content for your firm’s website, shouldn’t it? You might think so, but bitter experience...

5 Mistakes law firms make when redesigning their website

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1. No project brief You wouldn’t go on a holiday without doing some form of research or planning first, so why would you design a website without knowing what you want? Writing a brief doesn’t need to be complex, it just needs to have the...

SRA mandate that law firms must display certain prices on their website

David Gilroy
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As you know, the SRA are close to issuing their final guidance on the new ‘pricing transparency’ mandate that the LSB have given them.  Previous stories on this have been published by the Law Gazette and The Law Society, who have a...

The impact of GDPR on your firm's website

David Gilroy
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This is a practical guide to GDPR that summarised the legislation but goes on to explain its impact on websites - listing all the things that a website owner or website agency/developer will probably need to address in order to be compliant. You will need...

The Cost of a Cheap HTTPS Certificate

Bryony Cole
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Following Google’s announcement that Chrome users will be alerted if they access a non-HTTPS site , several clients have asked why we use only use certain Certificate Authorities for the purchase of certificates instead of a free option. Although it...

The Hidden Logic Behind Navigation Options

David Gilroy
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Most large websites have three types of navigation: Header-navigation which is the same on all pages of the site - these are usually simple drop-down menus with options presented in a single vertical list but sometime they can be mega menus (with more...

Google Chrome pushes websites to go https

Bryony Cole
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Do you still have a non-secure http website? If so, read on, this is IMPORTANT! In a blog post last year, we outlined why it’s important to make the switch to https, but there are still many sites that have not made the switch. And we have more...

The truth about GDPR for your firm (and its website)

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You are probably aware by now that the Data Protection Act of 1998 is being replaced with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on 25 May 2018. It’s important that firstly, you understand what it is, and secondly, you implement what is...

Are You Following Up All Your Enquiries?

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No really, are you? Recent findings from Shopper Anonymous have proved that responses to enquiries to some law firms have been few and far between – some taking two to three days to respond. For their report, they surveyed 85 firms and made...

Why go secure?

David Gilroy
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Encryption only one aspect of security There’s much more to security than encryption - we’re going to be talking in this post most about encryption but don’t forget that there are lots of other technical issues that have a massive bearing...

Responsive Web Design v. Mobile Site

David Gilroy
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Back in 2008, analysts predicted that by 2015, mobile Internet usage would surpass desktop. Well, as it turns out, they were spot on. In 2015 we saw mobile searches finally overtake desktop searches – not because desktop searches were decreasing, but...

Give the People What They Want: Creating a Helpful Law Firm Website

David Gilroy
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From the moment somebody – anybody - clicks on a website, a timer starts in their head. That timer is set to roughly one minute. As soon as this timer begins, the visitor says to the website: “impress me.” The website then has one minute to...

Break points for Responsive Website Design

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Building a website to be “responsive” involves defining a series of breakpoints and writing CSS code so that the site looks different on different devices. For example, a three-column site when viewed on a desktop will often use the first column...

Why I hate when my clients use the C word

David Gilroy
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I was with one of my clients recently, discussing the firm’s digital marketing plans. She mentioned the possibility of a new website, and told me a few members of the firm had formed a Website Committee.    A Committee.  The dreaded...

Christmas Marketing for Law Firms

David Gilroy
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Christmas is coming, and with it comes a sack full of seasonal marketing.  Every year, you'll notice some households going Christmas crazy: Santa in the chimney, a 'Happy Xmas' sign flashing 'til the early hours and a great big beast of...

An Update on the .law Top Level Domain (TLD)

David Gilroy
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Update 27-Oct-2015 - You can now register your .law domain name through us at We wrote about the impending introduction of the new .law top level domain , back in April. Well, just today we’ve found out more about the process...

Launching Legal Websites

David Gilroy
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Remember it's not just about having a website, it's about what you do with it that counts! If you're launching a new website for your law firm, there are a number of vital things that you need to consider before going live. ...

The Web's Grain by Frank Chimero

David Gilroy
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We've just read this great article and recommend you read it too! It is an inspirational reflection on Frank Chimero's career in responsive web design and developing. Chimero explores the idea of taking big concepts...

Fixed fee pricing for lawyers & web developers

David Gilroy
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You need to read this report  Fixed Fee Menu Pricing in the Legal Sector .  It will take you just 15 mins even if you read by moving your finger along each line!  The report was commissioned by OMC Partners and carried out by Gillian Watt ...

5 Questions Your Web Designer Should Ask You

David Gilroy
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Planning a new website? You should have an idea of what you want before hand. Find out what questions your web designer should ask you here . Before talking about the things you need to consider when building a site, remember it's not just about having...

Recovering From a Hacked Site

David Gilroy
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Heaven forbid this should happen to you, but more often than not sites get hacked and in order to recover from it, a huge amount of work is involved.  There's great article on the Google Webmaster blog that has two case studies on  the process...

"Will it work on my Chromefox Explorer 15.2.1?" Demystifying our Browser Support Policy

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Having recently undertaken some large-scale internal development work on the Conscious Platform we've been taking a look at how our testing and QA processes need to adapt to ensure that we're still putting our best foot/feet forward. A huge part of...

What is IPv6 and why is it so important?

David Gilroy
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Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the address system that we use today - you may be familiar with addresses that look like this: The numbering system is hierarchical and provides a way to uniquely identify every computed on the network - about 4...

What Is Heatmapping And Why You Should Use It?

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Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools are the standard tools for any website when it comes to performance, diagnostics and general health.  Google Analytics is most commonly used to give you an interpretation of how many visitors have come to your law...

Responsive First - the journey to responsive web design

David Gilroy
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Building an effective website is a very satisfying endeavour – a thrilling marriage of creative design and technical skills. Design trends come and go in quick succession but the way that sites are built has remained relatively unaltered..... until...

Capturing better data for your firm's website enquiries

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One of the primary jobs here at Conscious is to drive more online enquires to firms’ sites via our Search Marketing team. Most commonly, clients tend to measure initial success of a Search Marketing project by an improvement in search engine rankings...

Capturing better data for your chamber's website enquiries

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One of the primary jobs here at Conscious is to drive more online enquires to firms’ sites via our Search Marketing team. Most commonly, clients tend to measure initial success of a Search Marketing project by an improvement in search engine rankings...

What is a sitemap and what does it do?

David Gilroy
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A lot of misleading information is written on the subject of sitemaps suggesting that the presence or absence of a sitemap is going to have an impact on rankings. For the vast majority of websites you can relax, this is simply not the case - Google will find...