Social Media

Social Media Marketing for Law Firms

Social media marketing for law firms can be a powerful tool to connect clients and build your reputation. By using social media, law firms can increase their online presence, create a positive image, and attract potential with clients. The key is to choose the right social media platforms for your law firm.

One of the biggest advantages of social media for law firms is the ability to reach a wider audience. By creating content that is informative and engaging, law firms can attract potential clients who may not have found them otherwise. Social media also allows firms to interact with clients and respond to their questions and concerns in real-time. Your competitors are likely on social media, so your law firm should be too.

By posting content that showcases your firm’s expertise and highlighting your successes, your firm can establish yourselves as a reliable and trustworthy source of legal advice. This can go a long way in attracting new clients and building long-term relationships.

Law firms and social media go hand in hand, so social media should be part of your law firm’s marketing strategy.

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  • 1,700%
  • increase in visits to the website from X (Twitter) during a social media campaign for a client,
  • 500k
  • impressions on social media posts during a two-month social media campaign on X (Twitter).
  • 1,400
  • followers, an increase of 50%, to a law firm client's X (Twitter) profile.

See how we help clients with their social media

Social media for law firms isn’t simple, and it takes time, resources, and idea generation which we understand not everyone within a law firm has time for.

That’s why we are here to support your social media marketing and help your law firm stand out from the crowd. With our legal knowledge, and 19 years supporting law firms to become more successful online, we have an understanding on what works on social media for law firms, and what potential clients resonate with.

We will spend time identifying where your firm is currently succeeding in its social media marketing and identify areas for improvement. We will then work collaboratively with your firm to create assets and content that is in line with your brand.

Social media marketing for your law firm doesn’t need to be scary, but it does need to be consistent. But don’t worry! We can help you every step of the way so your social media marketing strategy can be worth the investment.

At Conscious, we specialise in LinkedIn, Facebook, X (Twitter), and Instagram for law firm social media marketing. We have found that these are the platforms where potential clients can be found. For example, we have found particular success from family lawyers on Instagram and commercial lawyers through LinkedIn and Facebook groups. 

It is important to remember that potential clients want to understand your expertise and your firm’s values, and the people they are likely to be working with. That’s why we have found that a collaborative approach, with us and the employees at your firm works best and has the most success for social media marketing for law firms, but we can manage your account if you would prefer. 

Social media marketing for law firms is a powerful tool and one your competitors are likely already using. We can help your law firm achieve its social media goals with asset creation, a content calendar, strategy implementation, social media management and more. 

So, whether you want an audit to find out how your law firm can be more successful on social media, or you want us to help you implement a winning strategy for your law firm social media, we can help.

Who we work with


What social media platforms should my law firm be active on?


LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows law firms to establish their authority and expertise in the legal field. With over 950 million members, it offers a vast pool of potential clients and colleagues to connect and network with. By sharing valuable insights and engaging with their audience, law firms can showcase their knowledge and build trust with potential clients.


Facebook is the largest social media platform, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users. It allows law firms to connect with a diverse audience and build a community around their brand. Law firms can share informative content, engage with their audience, and run targeted ads to reach potential clients.


Instagram is a visual platform that allows law firms to showcase their brand personality and creativity. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Instagram is a popular platform among younger audiences, making it an ideal place for law firms to attract new clients. Law firms can share behind-the-scenes content, highlight their successes, and show their team's human side which is great for recruitment purposes too.


Instagram Threads is a text-based conversation app developed by Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Threads has gained immense popularity, with over 100 million new users in its first week of launch. The app resembles X (Twitter), offering a feed of text-based posts where users can share their thoughts and stories. Each thread can be up to 500 characters long and allows the addition of photos, videos, and links.

Threads is linked to users' existing Instagram accounts and offers privacy options, including public and private profiles. To get started, users need to download the app, create an account linked to their Instagram, set up their profile, choose privacy settings, and import the accounts they already follow on Instagram. People will then have the option to request to follow your firm on Threads. 

X (Twitter)

X allows law firms to share real-time updates, news, and opinions. With over 556 million monthly active users, X offers a unique opportunity for law firms to engage with their audience and establish their brand voice. Law firms can also use X to monitor conversations related to their field and stay up to date with the latest industry trends.

Book a social media audit today

Call us on 0117 325 0200 today to discuss your law firm social media marketing.

Whether you are a lawyer sharing your knowledge or trying to build relationships and connections, there is a space for your firm to share its expertise, build awareness, and create lasting, trusted relationships.

Social Media FAQs

Why should I use a digital marketing agency for my social media, instead of someone in-house?

There are many reasons why a specialist law firm digital marketing agency is a great investment for law firm social media marketing. Some of these benefits include:

1. Our clients are our priority, so you can rest assured that your firm will have consistent content posted on social media
2. We have knowledge in the legal sector too so we can construct posts using correct terminology
3. We have access to tools such as Hootsuite, Canva and more which your law firm might not have access to
4. We stay up to date with changes, updates, new platforms, features and more so you know you will always be getting the best expertise and advice.

Why do lawyers need social media?

Social media marketing for law firms is an essential tool for standing out from the competition, showcasing your expertise, reliability, trustworthiness and help your law firm build long-lasting relationships with its clients.

How can law firms use social media?

Law firm social media marketing can be achieved in several ways. We recommend using LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram to our clients. Facebook groups can be used for connecting with potential clients. Hashtags can be used to increase reach and engagement, and informative graphics can be used to showcase your firm’s expertise, knowledge, and services. 

What are the advantages for law firms using social media?

There are many advantages in social media marketing for law firms including building trust with clients, building credibility through showcasing accreditations and awards and create a personable touch with the lawyers within your law firm.

What are the disadvantages for law firms using social media?

Of course, like anything worth doing, it takes time. Some firms find it difficult to consistently set aside the right amount of time to do justice to this channel. Further, sometimes clients will use social media channels to give negative feedback. For both difficulties a social media marketing agency can help, especially one tailored to law firms and legal marketing. We can monitor your comments and messages, come up with replies for standard questions and ensure your platforms are posted on consistently whilst maintaining your brand values. 

How can social media marketing services benefit my law firm?

Law firm social media marketing has many benefits including:

- Building trust and credibility

- Showcasing your team members, experience, and expertise

- Improving brand awareness

- Building connections with the local community and potential clients

- Standing out from the competition

- Showcasing your firm’s values and benefits to potential clients and employees

What social media platforms should my law firm be active on?

We focus on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X for our clients and have found these to be successful. We have seen law firms active and doing well on TikTok, YouTube and Pinterest too.

How can social media help me reach my target audience?

Social media is a great tool for reaching clients that you might not otherwise. Social media is full of potential clients, and these may be people who are looking to buy a house, create a will or sadly begin the process of divorce. When users are scrolling through social media, we hope that we slowly, and over a long period of time, we build a relationship with those users. We will show them regular content which demonstrates we’re experts in our field (informative blogs about topics they may be interested in), that we’re good at our jobs (testimonials from happy clients, photos of flowers and thank you cards), that we’re real people who shop in the same shops you do (profiles of staff) and that we’re part of the community just like they are (engagement with local businesses and people).

Can you provide examples of successful social media campaigns for law firms?

Take a look at our testimonials and case studies! We have worked on successful social media marketing campaigns for several law firms and have seen improvements in follower counts, engaging, brand awareness and more. We can work with your law firm to identify your goals, create valuable, interesting, and engaging content, and help your law firm to become more successful in its social media strategy.

How do you ensure that my law firm's social media content is compliant with legal advertising rules and regulations?

With over 19 years’ experience in law firm marketing, we understand that compliance is a big concern for law firms. Our social media team will work collaboratively with you to understand your values and then create social media content that follows these values. If you have any brand guidelines, we’ll make sure to thoroughly review these and incorporate them too. Our team stay up to date with legal industry news, updates and legislations changes to ensure we are on top of compliance issues too. Our social media team also ensure that all social media content follows the guidelines and procedures of the relevant social media platforms, asset creation tools and social media management tools.

How often will you post on my law firm's social media accounts?

We have different packages that include different numbers of posts. Find out more here. We’ll work with you to create a tailored package that helps you to reach your social media marketing goals.

Am I going to get work from using social media?

Social media marketing for law firms is more about building brand awareness, showcasing your firms’ skills and expertise and recruitment, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get a lead from social media! We’d recommend social media in conjunction with your other marketing strategies including a great website, excellent SEO, and paid advertising.

What our clients say

Conscious worked closely with us to establish our goals on Twitter. We wanted to boost our follower number and had a specific target group in mind. Conscious set up the whole campaign from scratch and kept us updated throughout. We were very happy with the number of followers we received during the campaign and the quality of followers. We would happily use Conscious Solutions again for our social media advertising needs!

Fabiana Martins, Partner - SMA Brazil

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