Joe Marcovitch

How can marketing help my law firm to attract more clients?

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It shouldn’t come as any sort of revelation to learn that your clients are the lifeblood of your firm. Attracting new clients (and retaining your existing ones) will be your primary method of paying the bills and continuing to grow as a business....

How can my lawyers write a great website profile?

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A website profile is a great way to introduce your clients to your team, creating a personal connection that can lead to loyalty and retention. We’d recommend including your whole team on your website so clients can really get to know you. The best...

A guide to SEO for law firms

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If you already know a thing or two about digital marketing, you’ll probably know all about search engine optimisation (SEO). But, if not, there’s no time like the present to get to grips with it! The importance of SEO for law firms cannot be...

What should I avoid when writing content for my law firm website?

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If you already know a thing or two about writing digital content, you’ll probably be aware of some of the techniques you should be utilising to craft effective copy. We recently discussed what the secret is to writing great SEO copy , as...

What content should I create for my law firm?

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Content is the cornerstone of any website shared with the public, especially one offering clients a service. Having a website that only briefly speaks of your services in a few sentences is not going to cut it with potential clients. If you want to bring...

Seasonal Marketing Inspiration for 2022

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Is your law firm in need of some marketing inspiration? Just like any other type of business, your law firm will be affected by seasonality. It’s an inevitability. So, what can you do to make sure that seasonality affects your firm...

Why Readability is Vital for Your Website's Content

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We get it. Writing content for your law firm’s website can often seem like a chore that delivers little in the way of reward. What’s more, it can be deceivingly difficult to strike the right balance between engaging and informative content,...

Why Getting on Top of Your Christmas Marketing Will Make the Difference This Festive Season

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It’s that time of year once again, everybody. Michael Bublé has almost finished defrosting, the Lynx Africa gift sets are being stacked high , and, after reading this intro, you’re probably starting to feel an indescribable sense of panic...

How to add SEO keywords into your website content without making it sound terrible

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Keywords are an essential part of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) . If someone uses Google to search for ‘divorce solicitors in Bristol’ and your website has a page with that exact phrase on it, Google is much more likely to show the searcher a...

8 Tips for Creating a Law Firm Podcast

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Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ll be aware of the rising popularity of podcasts. Everywhere you look, podcasts are cropping up covering all manner of topics – including the legal sector. For law firms and legal marketers, podcasts...

Six Months as a Digital Marketing Apprentice at Conscious

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It’s now been (very nearly) six months since I joined Conscious as a fresh-faced Digital Marketing Apprentice and, to mark the occasion I thought I’d reflect on my experiences so far. There is occasionally a stigma attached to the title of being...

Are you making these 5 common mistakes with your law firm's website content?

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Everyone can write, right? And you know all about the law because you work at a law firm. So, it should be pretty straightforward to sit down and write some content for your firm’s website, shouldn’t it? You might think so, but bitter...

What's the point of this blog?

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If you’ve been asked to write a blog for your firm’s website or have taken it upon yourself to do so because you’ve heard “blogging is good for business”, you may be asking yourself “what’s the point?”. The...