Websites for Solicitors: Law Firm Websites Guide

Our law firm needs a new website…

…Fantastic! We love building websites for law firms. In fact, we only work with law firms.

Before we talk about the things you need to consider when building a site, please remember it's not just about having a website; it's about what you do with it that counts.

So, where do you start with a law firm website project?

We recommend answering the following questions:

  • When was your website last redesigned? If it’s anything longer than five years, we recommend giving your website a refresh. This is because not only does the law change, but your firm values and culture might change, and best practices with websites for law firms change, too. Redesigning can help you achieve a best law firm website with outstanding graphics, animations, and user-friendly design. What worked in 2018 might not cut it in 2024.
  • Is your law firm's website mobile-friendly? If the answer is ‘not sure’ or ‘no’, then this is a problem. Over 55% of website traffic comes from mobile devices, so if your website isn’t responsive, you could be losing a whole load of potential traffic to your website.
  • When was the last time you updated photos of your staff? Do you even have photos of your staff on your website? Pictures tell a big story and show what your firm is about. If you are using pictures from 10 years ago or generic stock photos that do not reflect your firm, this could be a problem. In a very competitive landscape, the culture and values of a firm are becoming even more important.
  • How strong are your website calls to action (CTAs)? Calls to action should be dotted throughout your service pages, homepage and blog posts. You need to make it clear how clients can get in touch with you and then make it easy to pick up the phone, fill in a form or download information.
  • How does your website stack up visually compared to competitors? Although not the only factor that clients consider, the look of a website really is important. Modern law firm web design can improve visual appeal and user experience, making your website allude trust, experience, knowledge, and expertise. A website that looks like it is stuck in 2010, does not give the user any valuable information and makes life more difficult is not going to cut it, I’m afraid!

If the answers to these questions have made you panic a bit, fill in our free website healthcheck that can show you how your website is really performing.

Law firm website design and development

Our design and development team will work with your firm to create a detailed brief about how your new law firm website will reflect your law firm's brand. This will include the look, feel, colours, detail, navigation and more. Our team will give their advice based on years of experience building law firm websites, and our design team will then go and create a draft for you to review. We’ll be in regular content with your firm throughout your website project so you can offer feedback at every stage. Our project management team will ensure your new law firm web is created to budget and time constraints if there are any, with professional assistance to optimise for SEO and user experience.

Law firm website hosting

Once your website is ready, our technical team will make your website live. We will perform regular technical updates on your website to ensure it is performing at optimum performance. Find out more about law firm website hosting here.

Why should you get a new law firm website?

It’s no secret that a law firm with a visually appealing, responsive, SEO-optimised website that adheres to the critical rules and features of a great law firm website—such as strong branding, useful content, and easy navigation—is going to perform better, generate more enquiries, and satisfy clients better than an out-of-date, slow, hard-to-use website. That’s just one of the reasons why it might be time for a new website. Standing out from the competition is important in a world that no longer relies on high street stores to generate more business. In addition to this, a well-optimised website is likely going to be more accessible, attracting prospective clients and making it easier for them to find the required information and engage with your services.

What are the benefits of a new law firm website?

The benefits of a new law firm website can be endless! For a great law firm, a new website can reflect the firm's brand, attract potential clients, and provide valuable information to visitors. From positive feedback from employees and clients to new enquiries, better satisfied clients and more traffic to your website, the best law firm websites generate more traffic and enquiries, helping take your law firm to the next level.

Why choose Conscious for your law firm website?

Plain and simple, we only work with law groups, and we host over 300 law firm websites. Take a look at ‘Our Clients’ page to see some of our law firm websites. We have been building and designing law firm websites for over 20 years, so we know what works. We keep up to date with legislation and guidance to ensure our websites are successful and usable to clients. We don’t only design your website but host your website too, so you can be sure that everything is all in one place. We’ll manage everything from start to finish so you can sit back, relax and focus on the law.

Whether you are a general practice or a specialised family law firm, we have the expertise to create a website that meets your needs.

Is it important to have a modern law firm website?

We think so. Have a think about your own experience of browsing online. If you land on a website that looks outdated, is slow to load, isn’t easy to navigate and isn’t secure, will you want to purchase something from the company? Many law firm websites suffer from these common issues, which means your law firm website needs to stand out. You don’t need to refresh the design of your law firm website annually, but every few years, to ensure it still reflects your firm is important. In addition to refreshing the design, you should review content monthly or quarterly and identify new opportunities for content on lawyer websites.

What makes a great law firm website?

A great law firm website should generate leads, build trust with potential clients, and be optimised for search engines. Important SEO factors include client-centric website design, user experience, calls-to-action, site structure, smooth navigation, site functionalities, and core web vitals. In addition to this, it should reflect your law firm's values and be aesthetically pleasing to clients.

Have a look at some of our clients’ websites.

Essential features of a law firm’s website

  • A clear outline of practice areas
  • Professionalism and trustworthiness conveyed through branding and messaging
  • A sense of security and trust for visitors
  • Clear calls-to-action and lead-generation opportunities
  • Fast loading speed and modern technologies
  • Mobile-friendliness and responsiveness
  • SEO-friendliness and optimisation

Law firm website design best practices

  • Develop a sound online marketing strategy that includes a law firm website
  • Establish a strong brand identity and unique value proposition
  • Create a user-friendly and intuitive design that guides visitors through the website
  • Use high-quality images and videos to enhance the user experience
  • Ensure the website is mobile-friendly and responsive

Search engine optimisation (SEO) for law firms

  • Conduct keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords for your law firm
  • Optimise your website’s content and structure to improve search engine rankings
  • Use meta tags, header tags, and alt tags to optimise your website’s HTML structure
  • Utilise link-building and internal linking to improve your website’s authority and relevance

Conversion and engagement strategies

  • Use clear and prominent calls-to-action to encourage visitors to take action
  • Create engaging and informative content that resonates with your target audience
  • Utilise social media and email marketing to stay in touch with prospective clients and encourage repeat business
  • Use analytics and tracking to monitor website performance and make data-driven decisions

The importance of a law firm website

  • A law firm website is essential for establishing an online presence and attracting new clients
  • A well-designed website can establish credibility and trust with potential clients
  • A law firm website can provide valuable information and resources to clients and prospective clients
  • A website can help a law firm stand out from competitors and establish a unique brand identity