Retargeting and Remarketing

Retargeting and Remarketing for Law Firms

Retargeting and Remarketing

Retargeting and remarketing are powerful strategies for law firms that allow them to reconnect with website visitors who showed interest but did not convert into leads or clients.

What are Retargeting and Remarketing?

Retargeting and remarketing involve displaying ads to users who have previously visited a law firm's website. These ads appear on other websites or social media platforms, reminding potential clients about the law firm and encouraging them to take action.

How Retargeting and Remarketing Work with Conscious

Tracking website visitors

The team at Conscious will add tracking codes onto your firm’s website to identify and track visitors. These tracking codes, often in the form of cookies or pixels, collect data on user behavior, such as which pages were visited, how long they stayed on the site, and which actions they took. This data is crucial for creating targeted ads that are relevant to the interests and needs of your potential clients.

Creating customised ads

We will then work with you to create customised ads tailored to the specific audience. These ads can be personalised based on the pages visited or actions taken on the law firm's website. For instance, if a visitor spent time reading about personal injury services but didn’t book a consultation, the retargeting ad might highlight your firm’s expertise in personal injury cases and include a call-to-action (CTA) to schedule a free consultation.

Displaying ads on other platforms

We will then take these ads and show them on social media platforms or other relevant websites to display retargeting and remarketing ads to potential clients who have previously shown interest. These platforms could include Google Display Network, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other relevant networks where your audience is likely to spend time. By appearing on these platforms, your law firm remains top-of-mind, increasing the likelihood that previous visitors will return to your website and engage with your services.

Encouraging conversions

Retargeting and remarketing ads aim to bring potential clients back to your law firm's website, reminding them of the services offered and encouraging them to convert into leads or clients. Effective retargeting ads use compelling visuals, strong CTAs, and relevant content that addresses the specific needs or concerns of the audience. For example, if a visitor abandoned a contact form midway, a retargeting ad could offer an incentive, such as a free case evaluation, to encourage them to complete the form.

Benefits of Retargeting and Remarketing for Law Firms

Increased brand recall

By continuously displaying your ads to previous visitors, you reinforce brand awareness. This constant reminder can make your firm the first choice when the potential client decides to move forward with legal services.

Higher conversion rates

Visitors who are retargeted with display ads are 70% more likely to convert on your website. Retargeting focuses on users who have already expressed interest, making them more likely to engage with your firm again.

Cost-effective advertising

Retargeting can be more cost-effective than other forms of advertising because it focuses on a warm audience that is already familiar with your firm. This targeted approach often results in a higher return on investment (ROI).

Personalised user experience

Remarketing allows you to create a personalised user experience by showing ads that are specifically relevant to the interests and behaviours of your previous visitors. This personalisation can significantly improve engagement and conversion rates.

Best Practices for Retargeting and Remarketing

Segment Your Audience

Not all visitors are the same, so segmenting your audience based on their behaviour can lead to more effective ads. For example, create different ads for users who visited different practice area pages or those who started but didn’t complete a contact form.

Frequency Capping

Avoid overwhelming your audience by setting frequency caps on how often your ads are shown to the same person. This ensures that your ads are seen enough to be effective without becoming annoying.

A/B Testing

Regularly test different versions of your ads to see which ones perform best. A/B testing various headlines, images, and CTAs can provide insights into what resonates most with your audience. We don't always recommend this but sometimes it can end up in very different results.

Retargeting and remarketing are essential components of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for law firms. By reconnecting with previous visitors and guiding them back to your website, these strategies can significantly increase conversions and maximise your marketing ROI. With a well-implemented retargeting and remarketing strategy, your law firm can effectively nurture leads and turn interested visitors into loyal clients.