Sophia Stancer
    • Sophia Stancer

    • Community Manager at the Law Firm Marketing Club (LFMC)
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Free research opportunity for your law firm: helping you to do better marketing

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I’d like to share an exciting opportunity for your law firm to learn how to do better marketing and business development in 2024. The Law Firm Marketing Club (LFMC) is excited to announce the launch of its annual Professional Services Marketing...

What should your law firm be doing this festive season?

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Today I did something that half my colleagues didn’t approve of. I dropped the C-bomb at work. Christmas. No, before you ask, it is absolutely not too early to start thinking about it in the marketing world. The essence of a successful marketing...

What do law firm clients want in 2023? We've got the answers

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What are clients seeking from law firms? While we may speculate, how frequently do we have the chance to engage directly with clients and receive authentic feedback about needs and expectations? The Law Firm Marketing Club (LFMC) recently...

How can lawyers at your firm use LinkedIn to improve recruitment and retention efforts?

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Law firm recruitment and retention are two huge challenges at present. Collaboration between recruitment, human resources, business development, and marketing roles is essential – but could fee earners be supporting recruitment and retention too? ...

The Generation Gap in Law Firms

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In the bustling world of law firms, where intellect, innovation, and adaptability are paramount, a relatively new trend promises to enrich the legal landscape: intergenerational working. Five generations can now be found in the modern workplace. As a result,...

The importance of having a relevant network on LinkedIn for Law Firm Employees

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This week, I was asked: “Should I accept requests on LinkedIn from anyone?” The answer, of course, depends entirely on your objectives. A better question might have been: “Will accepting this person’s request on LinkedIn and...

What is the Law Firm Marketing Club and Why Should Law Firms Join?

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Why should law firms join the Law Firm Marketing Club? You may recall that in June 2023, Conscious Solutions acquired the Law Firm Marketing Club (LFMC) . I’m Sophia, the Community Manager, and I’m learning from...

What is 'Threads' that has launched today and should law firms adopt it immediately?

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Have you heard of Threads? There’s a new social media app in town, and based on current sign-ups, it’s looking like it’s going to be big. According to founder, Mark Zuckerberg, ten million users signed up for Meta's newly...

Social Media Top Tips: How can lawyers talk about their careers on social media without breaching client confidentiality?

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We regularly talk to our clients and colleagues in the legal sector about the importance of investing time in a personal brand to carve out an identity online. It’s likely you already have a personal brand from when people meet you at events and...

A step-by-step guide to social media analytics for law firms

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Have you ever wondered how other law firms maintain their competitive edge online? Are you curious about how a competing firm is excelling in social media, but unsure what their strategy might be? Social media platforms play a vital role in enabling law...

How can my law firm optimise its social media presence?

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It’s no secret that social media is a beneficial tool for law firms and there are several compelling reasons why your law firm should be investing its time in this area of marketing. The UK was home to 49.45 million users aged 18 and above...

How can I make my law firm stand out on social media?

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In today's digital age, social media has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their audience and promote their brand - and law firms are no exception to this rule. With millions of people using social media daily, it provides an...

Three social media trends your law firm should utilise in 2023

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New year: new social media strategy. There’s something refreshing about the start of a brand-new year - a chance to kick start your digital marketing efforts and try out new things. If you haven’t been making the most of your law...

5 Social Media Post Ideas for Law Firms

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Have you recently been tasked with managing your law firm’s social media platforms? We appreciate that with solicitors’ caseloads, paperwork, client meetings and the other hundred things spread across their ever-growing to-do...

How to keep up to date with social media trends at your law firm

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What are social media trends? Social media trends represent topics or ideas that are popular and feature regularly within social media discourse and /or content, or what multiple (typically hundreds or thousands) of users are...

Your questions answered: How to make your law firm's social media marketing more accessible

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What is accessible social media marketing? Our definition is simple. Accessible social media marketing is the use of inclusive design practices and features that make it possible for users to fully experience your law firm’s...