Jamie Stevens

Backing up Your Law Firm's Universal Analytics Data

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At the end of June, Google will delete all of the old data from Universal Analytics ( the old version of Google Analytics that preceded GA4 ). Manually exporting all of the data that you might need can be very challenging and time-consuming, so we have...

What is Google Search Generative Experience, and how will it affect law firms?

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Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) refers to the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in Google Search to generate relevant, engaging, and contextualised content. This experience allows users to interact with a conversational...

What is the difference between a fluctuation and a trend in SEO?

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When reporting on the performance of a campaign in SEO, marketers will often talk about fluctuations in rankings. We often get questions from clients asking to explain why this keyword or that keyword has decreased in ranking or suddenly jumped up by several...

What are the key differences between Universal Analytics & Google Analytics 4?

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Google will be officially retiring Universal Analytics at midnight tonight (30 June). If you are still using Universal Analytics and have not upgraded to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) yet, it is essential that you upgrade as soon as possible or use another...

Trends in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for law firms in 2023

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The world of search and SEO is ever-changing, however, 2022 was a big year in search, and not just in terms of Google updates, but also in terms of the competitive landscape of search. Below we discuss some of the most interesting changes that we can see...

What is the impact of the Helpful Content Update?

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When Google initially announced the helpful content update on 18 August, the reaction of the SEO community was that we were expecting an update with a large impact, similar to the Google Panda Update , which launched way back in late 2011. Both of the...

Google Search Volatility - What Does my Law Firm Need to Know?

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May, and especially June, have been very volatile months in Google Search results, with a broad core update announced by Google on 25 May 2022, picked up by search volatility trackers as a huge spike on volatility on 26 May 2022. The large spike in...

Are you ready for Google Analytics 4?

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Marketing in 2022 requires a certain amount of reliance on Google. So when they make an announcement that they will be sunsetting Universal Analytics and moving all users to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), we all need to pay attention. All...

Google To Sunset Universal Analytics

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Google has announced that they will be sunsetting Universal Analytics to compel users to move over to Google Analytics 4. All Universal Analytics installations will stop recording new data on 1 July 2023 and existing Universal Analytics data will be...

What are the Differences Between Local & National SEO for Law Firms?

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In the early days of Google & SEO, the differences between local and national SEO were very simple. If you wanted a national business, you would simply search for the service, e.g. “personal injury solicitor”. If you wanted a local business,...

What is The Google Page Experience Update and How Will It Affect My Site?

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The Google Page Experience Update, which we have written about before , is due to come into effect in less than one month and could have wide-reaching implications on the web. Just as Google making HTTPS a ranking signal drove adoption of HTTPS, or pushing...

Google Analytics 4

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Google Analytics 4 - What is it and do you need it for your Law Firm Website? Google Analytics 4 is the new version of Google Analytics, which has been created to eventually replace the existing universal analytics tracking. Google...

Optimise your Firm's Presence with Voice Search

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“Siri? Show me conveyancing firms near me” “OK” And whoosh – your personal assistant Siri has a selection of firms for you to choose from while you wash the dishes, have a bath or put the children to bed....

Google Is Switching To A Mobile First Index

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Last week in Las Vegas was one of the largest digital marketing conferences held anywhere (no, I did not go). It’s called http://www.pubcon.com/ Anyway, there was an IMPORTANT major announcement from Google, and when I say major, I mean REALLY...

Google Has Just Removed Ads from the Side of Search Results

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Google has just made the biggest change to the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) since the changes to the Map Pack back in August last year. The main change is the removal of the the adverts shown on the right hand side of the search results, which...

The Risks of Removing Longtail Content From Your Website

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So here’s the scenario: you’ve had a website for years now, and over time, it’s slowly grown to have lots of pages full of useful information about all the great services you offer - and Google loves you because of it. You have a high...

The 2015 Moz Local Search Ranking Factors

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Moz, one of the leading companies in SEO research and tools has recently released a new study on the most important ranking factors for Local Search in 2015. These ranking factors are based on a survey that is filled out every year by top people in the...

Changes to the Google Map Pack

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What is the Map Pack? The map pack is a section of the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) that is only shown for queries that Google believes have a local intent. It is separate from the normal organic search results and a business...

Looking at the new Moz Spam Score

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Over the past few years, making sure that your site is spam free, and is not associated with other spammy sites has become more and more important as Google gets more clever at working out what is a high quality site, and what is a low quality site. Today we...

Check If Your Site Might Be Penalised by Google in 2 Minutes

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Over the past few years, making sure that your site is spam free and not associated with other spammy sites has become more and more important as Google gets better at measuring the quality of a site. Today we look at a quick check that you can do...

Pros & Cons of New .Law Top Level Domain

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ICAAN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) who are the organisation responsible for the introduction of new top level domains has given exclusive rights to a company called Minds + Machines to operate a new .law gTLD (Generic Top...

The Moz Blog: Understand and Harness the Power of Archetypes in Marketing

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This article from one of our favourite blogs, The Moz Blog, looks at the importance of archetypes and designing a brand personality that resonates with those archetypes. Archetypes can be used to give a brand and its messaging a unique voice that...

If You Run A Facebook Page, Expect The Like Count To Drop Soon

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Have you seen a sudden drop count of "likes" on your Facebook page? Well this is because Facebook are having a sort out. Facebook has recently announced it will be changing the way it counts "likes" for pages. Any accounts that have been...

"Doorway" pages soon to be penalised by Google

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To minimise the impact of spam on web users, Google has decided to refresh their definition of "doorway" pages in an attempt to prove the quality of the user's search experience. Websites maximise their search-ability with the use of doorway...

The latest update on Google Mobile Ranking

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Last month we updated you on how Mobile Friendly was becoming a ranking factor for Google on 21 April , since then Google have been put in the hot seat to elaborate a little more on the subject. At SMX West, Google's Gary Illyes highlighted the 12...

10 SEO Predictions for 2015

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According of Ofcom , 57% of the UK population used their phone to access the internet at the beginning of 2014[1], this is expected to have increased over 2014. Of those, 54% search on their smartphone every single day .[2] Google has addressed this by...

Google Penguin Update 3.0 Released

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What is the Google Penguin Update? Google initially released an update called ‘Penguin’ on April the 24 th 2012 after several weeks of rumours about Google preparing an over optimisation penalty to target the spammy...

HTTPS as a Google Ranking Factor

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What is HTTPS? HTTPS (or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secure method of transferring data over the internet that is used to stop unwanted snooping of your communications. At this point in time, it's use is mostly...