Data Led Campaigns

Data-Led Campaigns

Data-led campaigns are one of the most effective but lesser-used tools in digital PR for law firms. Due to the need to assert a well-researched opinion, most firms without the aid of a PR company are unlikely to risk this sort of tactic. That’s why you’ll stand out. Data-led PR campaigns are gaining traction, and they are proving to be particularly beneficial for law firms. 

With a data-led campaign, your lawyers and solicitors can show off their expertise and reactiveness to new ideas and solutions. For law, which can at times come across as outdated and finicky, showing some contemporary opinions and fresh perspectives can be invaluable.

Not only that but as laws change and update, using data to explore the effects of these revolutions will show that you have a reasonable awareness of the wider community that you already/ might one day represent. It could offer potential clients a suggestion of how you approach topics and what values you seek to project.  

Data-lead PR Campaigns are also some of the best methods in Digital PR for law firm approaches when it comes to measuring success. Engagement and reach are quite easy to recognise in reaction to data, which means that refining our approach and improving our strategies is much easier. Not only have we been doing this for years already, but our frequent analysis and checks on the success of your campaign will help up develop a strategy that works best for you.

What Are data-Led PR Campaigns?

Data-led PR campaigns leverage data to guide and optimise efforts. The data could come from the Office for National Statistics, a survey carried out by a third party or another reputable source. 

The essence of these campaigns is not just to collect data, but to analyse it, draw insights from it, and use these insights to create a valuable and informative story. 

This is a top way to show yourself as a thought leader and assert your staff as experts in specific areas of research and law. By conducting research or discovering a new angle on data that’s already out there, you’re displaying dedication and commitment to the law that goes beyond just using it and instead shows your willingness to contribute to the information that’s in circulation.

It’s also a surefire way to disseminate quotable, re-distributable data that’ll link directly to your website and carry your brand with it. When people discuss or recall the data you produced or amplified they might recall your brand.  

Why Are Data-Led PR Campaigns Beneficial for Law Firms?

Enhanced Reputation Management

For law firms, reputation is everything. Data-led PR campaigns can help law firms to establish themself in the industry and create a positive reputation.

You’ll begin to be associated with insightful, up-to-date research, similar to universities that build their reputation through industry-leading departments that produce research into their specialist subjects. You’re also likely to start up conversations in comment sections and events when you or someone else brings up the research.

Better Client Targeting

Law firms often cater to a specific clientele. Data-led PR can provide firms with invaluable insights into their target audience's preferences, behaviours, and needs. These insights can be used to tailor their PR messages, ensuring they resonate with their target audience and, in turn, attract more clients.

Furthermore, clients will likely feel more represented if they see a demographic being discussed that includes them. This is especially important for areas of the law that deal with deeply personable and sometimes stigmatised topics. Knowing that not only your firm represents an audience of people like them but that you do so proudly and openly will instil a sense of trust and confidence.

Painting a Picture

Data can be represented in various forms, such as graphs, tables, and charts, oftentimes in colourful and easy-to-understand forms that anyone could understand at a glance. If a potential client is more likely to look through an image-based social media platform than a blog or webpage, then you will find it easier to reach them with graphics and images of your research and conclusions than a body of text.

Utilising data also gives irrefutable context and evidence to a campaign. Most digital PR for lawyers will focus on client stories and successes, and whilst these are valuable, in isolation, they can cause scepticism and imply that the firm is censoring their numbers to appear better than they are. Producing high-quality and honest data in an easily consumed image will show transparency and willingness to be upfront with the client.