10 Quick Wins for Your Law Firm's Digital Marketing

10 Quick Wins for Your Law Firm's Digital Marketing

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Whether you are a team of one, two or ten, time is the biggest enemy of a law firm marketer. I’ve been there! However, there are a few things that should be prioritised over other aspects.

If you are a small team, you might not have time to implement all these, but this list of 10 quick wins for law firm digital marketing will give you somewhere to start.

Hopefully, you can block out some time in your diary to start thinking about these tasks.

Law firm website quick wins

1. Check the speed of your website

No one wants to wait for a website to load when they are just trying to gather a simple piece of information. Therefore, it’s important to check your website site speed regularly. Not only does a fast-loading website provide a better user experience, but it’s also a significant factor for Google’s Core Web Vitals (CWV).

2. Reduce the size of images on your website

If your website is loading slowly, the size of your images might be the culprit! We recommend putting images through Tinify to ensure they are high quality but also compressed; images uploaded to your website should ideally be no larger than 100KB. Find out more top tips on editing your law firm website in this blog post.

3. Optimise your existing website content

If you are looking to get more traffic to your website and increase the number of enquiries your website is generating; this quick win is for you! Content really is king (ask any SEO-er or digital marketing agency), but that doesn’t always mean you need to spend a load of money writing new content. If you already have detailed and informative service pages and blog posts on your website, optimising these with relevant keywords, FAQs, and content length could bring more all-important traffic to your website. However, if the content doesn’t already exist, you will need to spend a bit of time adding some new pages, blog posts and information.

4. Get backlinks to your website

If your website is user-friendly, and you have your content SEO-optimised, but you think your law firm website could still perform better, backlinks might be your answer. Backlinks are links back to your website from reputable sources. This helps increase your domain authority (DA), which helps you appear higher on Google. If this sounds too time-consuming, how about some internal linking instead? This is where you link other blog posts and service pages on your website in your content. Find out more about SEO for law firms and link-building here.

5. Add Google Analytics to your website

There is no point in investing time and money in your digital marketing if you don’t track its success. Adding Google Analytics 4 (GA4) tracking to your website can help you identify a number of things—where traffic is coming from, which pages are ranking and performing well, and how many enquiries you are getting from your website.

6. Utilise your Google Business Profile (GBP)

A well-optimised GBP helps your law firm rank for relevant local search queries and Google Maps queries. This includes adding your website and phone number, adding pictures of your offices and team, answering frequently asked questions, and ensuring you are getting and responding to Google Reviews. If you want to learn more about Google Reviews for law firms, read this blog post.

7. Pick one social media channel

It’s quality over quantity with social media in 2024. Many organisations are stripping back on the number of social media channels they use and instead focusing on the channels where they see success or potential for success. Have a look at your analytics, see how your posts are performing and identify where your audience is and then spend the time optimising one or two profiles, rather than four.

8. Pay-per-click advertising for law firms

PPC for law firms is a quick win if you want more new enquiries now. It could be that you have one department with the capacity for more work, so you can implement a PPC campaign to attract these potential clients. With PPC, you get website clicks from users specifically searching for your keywords and are ready to buy. This makes them more likely to convert than people researching how long a divorce takes. Although PPC is considered a quick win in terms of seeing results, you need to put the budget behind it, so it might not necessarily be the strategy for your law firm right now.

9. Repurpose your content

If you and your solicitors don’t have time to create new blog posts, videos or graphics for your digital marketing, why not repurpose old content that is still relevant? Or a post that did exceptionally well previously but with a different angle? Likely, people won’t remember the content you posted six weeks or six months ago, so as long as you are checking everything is still up to date and changing the caption, image or content slightly, there is no harm in reusing this content again. In addition, you could reshare information in a different format – if you already have a blog or webinar with lots of information, why not pull out some key nuggets and turn them into social media posts and vice versa? The options are endless!

10. Update your database

Ok, this one isn’t exactly a quick win because when it comes to data cleaning, it depends on what you are starting with. But this is an important step for your law firm’s marketing.

Data is the foundation for any marketing campaign, so you need to ensure that the information you have is as up-to-date as possible. Look at your law firm’s data and identify a way to make it more usable and useful. That might mean it’s time to invest in a CRM system for your law firm.

Need support with your law firm’s digital marketing?

If you can pick three or four of these quick wins to focus on this year, your digital marketing is going to be even more successful and help you to drive new enquiries, increase brand awareness or provide a better service to clients.

We have over 20 years of experience helping law firms become more successful online. If you need advice on which of these 10 quick wins is your biggest priority or how to get the most out of your digital marketing, contact the team at 0117 325 0200 or sales@conscious.co.uk.