Email Marketing for Law Firms

Email Marketing and Newsletters for Law Firms

Law firm marketing and email marketing services are essential for businesses to thrive. Maybe you already subscribe to the Legal Technology Insider newswire or The Lawyer weekly newswire? Email newsletters of this kind allow you to stay "front of mind" with your customers and are an important part of an effective email marketing strategy for any law firm.

Email marketing and newsletters are an extremely vital and powerful component to have in your marketing mix. Not only are they quick and cheap, but they can be extremely effective. Email marketing introduces the concept of tailoring content to match the interests of specific target lists. To put it simply: the right people see the right messages and feel valued. Effective marketing efforts can significantly enhance your law firm's visibility and client engagement. 

A personalised email with content which is genuinely relevant to the targeted group shows you care, that you felt it necessary to share this useful information with them. You can create your own emails, select which registered website users to send to e.g. recruitment candidates, existing clients, prospective clients, and send the email. All are controlled from your web browser. This is particularly important for engaging new legal clients and promoting your legal services.

We also provide a range of pre-written newsletters that are provided in a "white-labelled" format which means that they appear to come from your website, not from Conscious. We'll work closely with you to produce this newsletter, finding great content to share with your target audience, adding in any stories you provide us with and topping it all off with your logo and branding. The success of an email campaign can be monitored, and once sent, we will review the statistics and share them with you so we can gauge what exactly interests your clients and keeps them reading. This is a crucial part of refining your marketing strategy and converting potential clients into loyal clients.

What are the benefits of email marketing for law firms?

Email marketing is relatively cheap and easy to execute. Whilst you might decide to pay for a platform such as Mailchimp or MailerLite or use your CRM system to execute your campaigns, the ongoing cost is low compared to other digital marketing campaigns. The most difficult part of email marketing is building an engaged mailing list. There are several ways you could increase the number of subscribers to your mailing list, including a signup button on your website, a signup link at the bottom of emails as well as promoting it on other platforms. Of course, to get people to stick around, you need to be sharing valuable information, too. This could be answering FAQs, adding links to webinars you have hosted or appeared on or sharing snippets of blog post you have written. Email marketing and newsletters are a great way to repurpose your law firm's website and social media content. 

What law firm email marketing platforms are available to use?

There are so many platforms out there, so it depends on your firm's budget and needs. We use Mailchimp and SugarCRM, but we know law firms that use MailerLite and HubSpot. Have a look at the features on offer, the number of contacts you can have per subscription as well as number of users. You should also have a look at design capabilities and these vary from platform to platform. If you need support designing a law firm newsletter template, we can help! Get in contact with the team on 0117 325 0200 or

How can I create an engaging law firm email newsletter?

Creating an engaging law firm newsletter involves several key elements that cater to your audience's interests, provide valuable information, and maintain a professional tone. Here are some steps and tips to help you craft a compelling newsletter:

1. Define Your Audience

Understanding who your audience is will help tailor the content to their needs. Consider:

  • Current clients and service areas used
  • Potential clients and services they are interested in
  • Industry partners
  • Colleagues in the legal field

Do you need to split your audience in to different service areas? For example, if someone has just used you for their conveyancing, it's unlikely they need to be on a mailing list where you are discussing that you provide conveyancing services, but they might be interested in a blog post on "10 things you need to do after moving house." Split your audience in to relevant audiences so you can make content as tailored and personalised as possible. 

2. Choose the Right Content

Select topics that are relevant and interesting to your audience. Consider including:

  • Legal Updates: Recent changes in laws, regulations, and relevant court rulings.
  • Case Studies: Summaries of interesting cases your firm has handled, highlighting key takeaways.
  • Expert Insights: Articles from your solicitors on specialised legal topics.
  • Practical Tips: Advice on legal issues that might affect your audience, like compliance tips or contract advice.
  • Firm News: Updates on your firm's achievements, new hires, and community involvement.
  • Event Announcements: Information about upcoming webinars, seminars, or community events your firm is hosting or attending.

3. Create a Compelling Layout

A well-organised and visually appealing layout will make your newsletter more engaging.

  • Header: Include your firm's logo and a concise, attention-grabbing headline.
  • Sections: Break your newsletter into clear sections with headings for each topic.
  • Visuals: Use relevant images, infographics, and professional photos to enhance the content.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Encourage readers to contact you, visit your website, or sign up for events.

4. Write Engaging Content

The tone should be professional yet accessible.

  • Clear and Concise: Write in a straightforward manner, avoiding legal jargon when possible.
  • Storytelling: Use narrative techniques to make case studies and insights more relatable.
  • Engagement: Ask questions, include quotes, and add interactive elements like polls or surveys.

5. Optimise for Email

Ensure your newsletter is optimised for email delivery.

  • Responsive Design: Make sure the newsletter looks good on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Subject Line: Craft an enticing subject line that encourages opens.
  • Preview Text: Use engaging preview text to give a sneak peek of the content.
  • Personalisation: Use the recipient’s name and tailor content where possible as mentioned above.

6. Regular Schedule

Consistency is key to maintaining readership.

  • Frequency: Decide on a regular schedule (monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly) and stick to it.
  • Timing: Send your newsletter at a time when it’s most likely to be read, considering your audience’s habits.

7. Monitor and Improve

Use analytics to measure the success of your newsletter and identify areas for improvement.

  • Open Rates: Track how many recipients open your newsletter.
  • Click-Through Rates: Monitor which links are being clicked.
  • Feedback: Encourage and review feedback from your readers to improve later emails.