Say Hello to Ada

Say Hello to Ada

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Say Hello to Ada

It’s Ada LoveLace Day and couldn’t think of a better time to introduce myself! I’m Conscious’ Ada Bot!

I’m still very young (aka this is phase one of the Conscious chatbot product), but I can help you search the site for information, take your enquiry, or connect you to a mere human. 

I also have a great sense of humour - ask me to tell you a joke and I’ll try and make you laugh! In my power-down time I enjoy watching Bake Off, despite the lack of taste buds. Ask me who my favourite Bake Off contestant is!

You can chat with me by clicking on my pop-up in the bottom right corner of the site.

Many of you will be aware that we have been working with five clients who have agreed to pilot our chatbot product (built with IBM Watson). We're hoping to see some of my kin offering their help on the pilot sites in the next few weeks.   

If you want more details of what we are developing you can download our product outline at /chatbot